Posted by puddlegirl on 9:02 PM
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My sweet baby just turned 4 months old a couple weeks ago. We have tried cereal many times and had little to no luck. So I bought a few different kinds of food to have him test them out. I don't think he is too crazy about it. Hopefully he'll acquire a taste for some of them soon.

First the applesauce.

I think it was a bit sour.

Do you think he likes it?

Now on to Sweet Potatoes.

I think he liked those a bit more.

Now just a few cute pictures of my sweet baby Lincoln.



Where's Harrison? Oh he's doing his regular thing. Drinking juice. Does/did anyone else have a child who always has a juice cup in their hand? Is this normal?

Oh and why does my 2 year old fit in this infant seat? But my four month old does not?



Tracy said...

Holy Canoli! I laughed so hard! Little Linky is too cute. Poor little thing has the curse of THE THICK THIGHS!!!!!

Francy said...

Haha! Cute babies!

Elaine said...

Ha! Funny! Harper has a juice thing too.

melanie said...

Oh dear - those cottage cheese thighs are so cute when one is young. Unfortunately, that is the only time they are cute.

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