Posted by puddlegirl on 4:37 PM
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Ok guys I need your help to pull this one off. It may take a while to get together, but I think it will make us all laugh in the end. I want you to give me your most lucid back to school memory or any school memory is fine. If it could be in 3 paragraphs or less that would be awesome. I will make a conglomerate post of all the stories I receive! The more I get the more fun it will be. If you could send them to me by Friday the 21st @ midnight that would be awesome. My e-mail is

If you have pics that will make it even better, but do not fret over finding one.


Tracy said...
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Maria said...

My most fun memory from the first day of school was the first time I could drive to school. I had inherited my mother's white volvo stationwagon and I was carpooling two friends. It was the best time driving to school and I also got my own spot in the parking lot. I thought those were the days.

The problem was that they had repaved the parking lot and not reassigned numbers to the spots and I ended up parking in the principal's spot. Ooopps! Let's just say I became really good friends with her. No detention but she did ask me every morning if I had the right parking spot. Thanks for letting me share my school story.

Kelly Ley said...

I don't have any cool stories...I was homeschooled from 4th-9th grade and all the other years I went to school I had good first days. Guess I skipped out going to real school during the most awkward years...lucky me :)

Tracy said...

ok. i am not the only one who doesn't follow instructions.

melanie said...

Oops. I am just now reading this. Darn it, I had a decent story too.

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