The lady of many talents. My mom is very skilled in many ways.
I've seen her:
Fix/replace her own brakes on her car.
Fix many toilet problems.
Update run down homes.
Lay her own patio.
Coach many sports teams including soccer and softball. She left basketball to my dad.
Create skits from scratch for church.
Make costumes galore, and they were good. Seriously.
Make my sisters' and my holiday dresses.
Nap like she'll never nap again. Almost daily.
Cut/Color many many people's hair.
I couldn't possibly name them all.
One skill that I liked the most, was the costume making. Here's one example.I think these are pretty pro.
She also made a costume for:
My 8th grade play, when I was the Tinman.
Vacation Bible School, which at a later date aided in me getting me my first job. (A story for another day.)
Many for church skits. One was so funny it made a dear friend pee her pants.
So, I was thinking, she should make Harrison a Halloween costume this year. What should she make? Any ideas?
Posted by
10:59 AM
She should make a jawa costume for Harrison! There are instructions on-line. Wasn't Harrison Yoda last year? Linky could wear Harrison's Yoda costume. My daughter Jessie wants me to make her a gonk droid costume. I'm trying to talk her into something else because if she goes as a gonk droid, I don't think anyone will know what she is.
Who is Jawa? or what is Jawa? I will make that costume and the gonk droid too because I am SUPER MOM! Hahahaha
Tracy --
I ordered a Clone Troop Rex costume for Sarah from this site and now Jessie wants the Jawa costume but it is out-of-stock. I have to order things because I am not Super Mom. But I am Batman.
Here's the gonk droid:
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