As some of you may know, (This is a confession some of you may not want to know.... but).... I don't like animals. I know! I'm a bad person! I am sorry and I truly wish I did, but I am not an animal person! I like the idea of them from afar and in pictures, but up close is a whole other story.
I especially don't like tricky animals! Like one of these.Ewwww RACCOONS!
My dear friends Joanna and Allison were here this morning and the kids were playing outside. I decided I was going to take out our garbage from the kitchen. I bagged it up, took it outside and walked around the side of the house. I lifted the garbage can lid, began tossing the bag in and I glanced down and there it was, STARING AT ME!! A raccoon! I screamed and maybe cussed, (I do that when I am caught off guard) and ran as far away from the trash can as possible. Allison and Joanna were just staring at me. I told them what I saw and they laughed but were as weirded out as I was. It was still in there and I had not managed to get the bag all the way in! So, there is the can, halfway open with a trash bag and garbage pouring out of the bag. and the raccoon is moving the bag just enough so a piece of trash falls out every few moments.
I looked at Allison, who is 38 weeks pregnant, and Joanna, who is holding her 3 week old son, and I asked them to take care of it! Haha! Now Allison being the kick-butt kind of person she is put on her brave face and told us to get all of the kids onto the porch. As I watched my round-bellied sister walk off to battle the beast I had a sweeping guilt wash over me. So we put Joanna and the kids inside and I grabbed a mop. Allison chose her weapon, a broom, and we decided to knock the can over. 1.... 2..... 3.... and push. The can falls and garbage spills, but no dag on raccoon! Allison was trapped behind the can and we don't really think she should walk in front of it so she sneaks behind the house while I decide to take on the 'coon. I hit the can a few times with my mop's soft end and that wasn't scaring it out. So I went and grabbed the biggest stick I could find and I went out to the can one last time. I raised it over my head and slammed it down onto the side of the toppled can. The raccoon jumped and ran even further away than I did after our first run-in. I still feel really nervous about the situation and can't get the image of that raccoon staring at me out of my mind. I do feel a little bit sad for that poor raccoon because it looks like he was eating up the diapers and from what I hear diapers are not on the revised food pyramid. Poor guy didn't even get a decent meal.
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1:42 PM
I have heard that since they are usually nocturnal, when raccoons are out in the daytime like that, there might be something wrong with them like they might have rabies. The fact that it was eating diapers pretty much proves that it had rabies. Allison probably saved your life yesterday.
"Just because a raccoon is seen in daytime does not mean it is rabid. Mother raccoons sometimes forage during the day when they are nursing babies. Only if an adult raccoon seen in the daytime is showing abnormal behaviors such as paralysis, unprovoked aggression, moving in circles, self-mutilation, making screeching sounds, or showing supreme tameness should you call your local animal control officer or police department."
What's your point? She was 1/2 kidding and she just said she heard it. You are always trying to start a controversy. DramaKingBoy. =)
Is eating diapers abnormal behavior for a raccoon? I admit I'm not a raccoon expert even though it's listed under "special skills" on my resume.
hahaha! That made me laugh out loud... and go "dat's dross" (that's gross)
Fran made me laugh out loud, as usual. She is a hoot! Chris, on the other hand....... Well, you know! Ha! He is almost always trying to start a contoversy. God love him!
Wish I could have witnessed this! My aunt & uncle used to have a pet raccoon (Sally) that lived in a cage in our back yard when I was around 7 years old. I used to go down everyday to play with her and her favorite thing to do was climb on my back and pull out my pony tail holder. I guess because of my experience, I have never been scared of them :) But then again, I'm not scared of much anyway...
Let's see if this works. I commented that I would have slammed the lid on that raccoon and let Doug handle it when he came home.
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